Sunday, January 24, 2010

Clay topper

So now what i will do is a few layers of clay, really only because i have LOADS of it from the excuvation of the site. I researched a millllllionnnn different way to do this, there were mixing it with sand and testing its elasticity/shrinkage, mixing it with cement, mixing it with vermiculite, grinding it down into a powder before adding water etc etc and in the end i came to this conclusion....
The clay is not in contact with flame, it isn't inside the oven so its not going to crack and fall into a pizza, its purely another layer of "something" to help keep the heat in SOOOOO, i decided to use the "African in the middle of nowhere" method....

which is.... wet it squeeze it and slap it on.
I'll be doing 3 layers letting each dry beofre adding the next and finally adding a vermiculite/cement layer that will create a smooth arch over the entire dome which we will render a colour.
you can see here i have not placed clay onto the side cement walls, the clay will be encased inside the ver/cerment which will help with weather proofing (even though it is under cover
more clay action next post