Monday, August 3, 2009

First bricks laid

So i started laying bricks, the next post will be clearer as i go up a few levels but heres the basics, once again "get the first layer level and square" it REALLY is important.

Here you see the mortar mixed, then behind it is where i gather the mortar and use it, the bricks laid are behind

either side o fthe site you see the bricks ready for laying, i'm using a mix of bricks, ones that we will see and ones that won't, this way i can get a good exterior and use my "lesser" quality bricks at the back and inside.

Important things here are having the mortar you are currently using at a good height EVEN if you are laying the first layer place your mortar at EITHER on the ground or @ 80cm off the ground, the reason is by the end of the day your back will be KILLING you if you are always at a half bent level, better to go up and down then be half way.

you can see here i'm up 2.5 levels now, 78 bricks and my back is killing me, if you look closely you will see different coloured bricks, i'll do better shot next week, as his is a sunday only project.