Friday, August 28, 2009

Oven Door....or NOT?

Well I just realised I must be stupid ! I've come all this way thinking that the only reason i need an oven door is to keep pests out when its not being used. Seriously.... thats what i was told by an oven builder.

His explaination was that you need oxygen for the fire to FIRE thus a door would go out if you suffocated it, sounded logical at the time.

But I never considered a door could be used once you no longer need a flame and the radiant heat from the bricks can cook soo many more things as they slowly cool down.

Theres millions of things you can do after the hot pizza and bread, as the oven cools you can then do roasts, chickens, pies, cakes, glaze a xmas ham and even a low heat Pavlova !!!

SOOO, basically now I'm going to have to redesign the front of my oven because my current design doesn't allow for this to happen as the door was positioned after the vent thus being useless in retaining heat effectively.

What i now need to do is create a "opening tunnel" that allows me to position a door before and after the vent position.

Back to the drawing board ! but better to find this out now the later.

like i said i must be stupid, i've researched sooooo much but missed this.