One of the big questions is "how much wood?" followed by how long does it take to heat up? and won't the floor be dirty? Well this post will tell you what I discovered.
This was our 4th firing and we had previousley only achieved smoke !!! seriously we just created a mess !!
On reflection it was mainly caused by 4 factors, firstly green wood, next damp wood , then being to scared to create a ROARING fire and finally not preheating the oven for long enough.
There is just no formula for how long this all takes as your oven walls may be thinner or thicker then mine, I have a tunnell shape you may have a dome, how high is your oven inside? what bricks did you use? etc etc etc so I'll just tell you what happened to us and in just 1 day we produced a great pizza and NOW have alot of information about our oven, in 2 weeks we are having the official opening and based on what we achieved yesterday I am TOTALLY confident in predicting oven and pizza times.
First thing i did was gather HEAPS of good dry wood, kindling to logs and everything in between, i would say 40kgs of wood.
I stacked the oven full with wood using the "top burning theory" which means you put the kindling at the top instead of the bottom and it just "melts' down and creates the fire with very little effort by you. .... and it actuallt works.
So with the oven stacked we started at 12.30pm and feed the fire till 2.30pm, the entire oven was a blase of flames and we stocked it as we went.
Let your fire die down sometimes and stoke it, you will be amazed that a new incredible flame appears without adding wood. Also its a good chance to rotate the charcoal produced to make sure everything turns into coals and now just black cubes of wood.
The fire continued to burn untill 3pm and I was left with alot of coals and 1 piece of a large log giving off some small .
I spread the embers all oven the oven floor and kept most of the heat where i planned to cook the pizzas,
I pushed the embers to the back and righthand side then cleaned up the area, the oven was really hot at 3.30pm when i was cleaning the floor but we didn't put a pizza in it till 4pm.
How I cleaned the floor is I pushed everything aside, gave it a brush and then wiped it with a DRY cloth wrapped around a "garden hoe" type utensil. THEN just before we were cooking I spread flour onto the floor and watched it brown, they say the speed inwhich it browns gives you a good guide to the heat of the floor, the flour browned INSTANTLY at 3.30pm so thats why we waited till 4pm, I then pushed that flour into the fire and thus you have a clean floor without ash etc. After a couple of pizzas the floor is really really clean but we had no grit in the first pizza so the system works.
What was the temperature???? Well i haven't a clue, we don't have a temp gauge that goes that hot yet so i used my hand to tell the temperature, I put my hand into the oven and counted how long i could stand it, at 2.30pm it was a milli-second, at 3pm it was 1 second, at 4pm it was 3 seconds. This drop was mainly because I was beating the fire down into hot coals.
The pizza cooked in 6 minutes at 4pm which is 3.5hours after we started and 1.5 hours after we stopped fueling the fire, although the fire was still present till 3pm.
At 5 pm it was 4 seconds and 6pm it was 5 seconds BUT at 7pm it was still 5 seconds so the drop in heat was slowing down, 8pm 6 seconds and 9pm 7 seconds.
I think that we would have been best to cook the pizzas at @ 5.30pm instead of 4pm, we wouldn't get a 6minute pizza but we feel we would get a better crust and more even cook, plus the pizzas would be considtant over a longer period of time
Of course after the pizzas there are still more uses for the heat, like great bread.