Monday, January 11, 2010

Side cement finished

Well you can see here its a real building site, most of those bricks you see are for the second part of the project...the smoker oven. you can see here the form work is removed and note the blue patch on the top of th eoven, thats where we are putting the clay.
The top view shows you the concrete surrounding the walls of the oven, i have leveled it off where the dome starts to curcve in, i'm going to place a layer of clay on that blue insulation leaving space at the sides to then do a final coat of vermiculite/cement over the top of the dome. I'm using the clay simply because I have alot of it from the original excuvation of the site and its good clay so why not use it !!

That clay will just add an extra depth of insulation to the top of the oven, and help to create a nice shape, the vermiculite/cement will then top it off and we will render the whole thing in some yet to be decided colour.

Heres a close up of the side, you can see here there are some hole which i will fill in with a cement mix, the problem happened when i started the form work and miss calculated the amount of cement needed for the job, it was a hot day and i had to drive out and get more gravel, by the time i got back the cement was almost set so there is layers, you can see, i the walls. I hope that snippet saves someone the hassle i had/have. should be fine though.
Another note is one i made in my last post about having your form work SOLID, as you will need to shove the concrete down to make sure you don't end up with gaps and holes once you take the form work away.